I came to Equine Experiential Learning after struggling for years with my motives and intentions. I would often vacillate on a decision, second guess myself and struggle with non- verbal energy. Simply said, I did not trust my own mind and that indecision was translated to others. A horse just wants a clear message of what to do. "Come forward." "Walk." "Go to the right." "Stop." To work best with a horse I needed to clear my mind of doubt and apprehension. I needed to be in the moment--not reliving a recent mistake or rehearsing my next move. This was difficult and often I was unaware of what I was doing. But I could see it happening with other students in the arena. Their struggle was obvious to me. With time, I have learned how to be clear in attitude and action. I have learned to slow my mental traffic and begin to focus on the questions: "What do I want to do?" "How can I best express myself?" "Am I sending mixed messages or clear intent?" The horses are wonderful and patient with my contradicting energy. But people are put off by indecision or dishonesty. I feel that in working with horses I have trimmed away the mental noise from my thinking. Emotionally I can be more direct and present. I make a better presentation of myself because I am free of artifice or a need to project and image. This work has been and continues to be revelatory.
~Michael L. Person in long term recovery
As a social worker and lifelong equestrian, Helen’s work with Sincerus is radically groundbreaking and invaluable. My time with her as a student has exposed me to the core principles of the work that is being done with Sincerus, and in turn has enabled me to be a better equestrian, social worker, and partner. The result of this work cultivated a deeper level of self awareness, confidence, and an ability to give pause in a way I had not been able to prior. As someone with a background in clinical mental health, I am so excited that Sincerus has the opportunity to offer this important work to our community.
Louise Bell, MSW